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How It Works

How Do I Make Money?
All of these "pay to surf" programs have their own ad viewer that displays ads from their advertisers. These ad viewers are usually available for download on their respective "pay to surf" sites. After you download the ad viewer, just bring it up next you get online. When the ad viewer is up and running, it will track your time online and inform the company's site how long you have been online. When you run your ad viewer, just make sure that their is a green light on it; that means that it is active. If it has a red light, it isn't running.
For those "pay to search" programs, these sites has a search engine that you use to search for various sites and get paid per search, click or whatever the case may be.
For those "pay to read email" programs, these sites pay you for each email you receive and read sent by that company's advertisers.

How Much Money Can I Make?
Each program has a certain rate that they will pay you. The rates vary from program to program whether it be per hour for surfing, per email, or per search. These rates can be anywhere from $0.50 up to $1.50 or possibly more. Also, all of these money websites have a referral program that lets you sign up friends. You will get paid some extra money for each person you refer to their site. These referral programs can have different levels of pay associated with them. For example, if one referral program is 2 levels, you will make money off of your first referral and the referral of your referral you signed up. Your referral will be making money off of his referral like you did with him/her but you will get paid for both as long as they are online.

How Long Can I Be Online To Get Paid?
You will have a limit amount of hours that you can use for each program. Most programs have a limit of 40 hours per month. Some others give you more hours online like 50, 60, or even 75 hours per month.

Is Their a certain Amount I Have To Make?
Yes, there is a certain amount you have to make in order to get paid. With most money sites, you have to make at least $20 each month in order to get paid. Some other sites require $30 and some only require as low as $10 to get paid. If you don't make the limited pay for that month, that amount will carry over to the next month.

When Will I get Paid?
Usually, most companies will send your check out to your home address the first week of each month.

That's basically how these money making websites work. If you have any more questions, please email me and I will get back in touch with you ASAP!!