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Win Money on the Web
Do you like to win? Sure you do. Well, I got some news for you. Through MoneyShot, you've seen how to make money through surfing, reading email, and site searching. Now, I've found a few sites where you can win money and some great prizes. These sites kind of work the same way the other money making sites do but instead of earning you can be winning!! Here's a look at some of them ...

GiantRewards - Earn points to win cool prizes plus referral program.
IWin - Earn ICoins to win some cash and great prizes plus referral program.
Qool - Earn Qoolcoins to bid for great prizes in their auction plus referral program.
RadioFreeCash - Get paid to listen to music and win great CDs. New
TreeLoot - Search and win big cash amounts on their money tree.
WebStakes - Enter to win a variety of exciting prizes.