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Get Paid to Search
You can also get paid to search for information on the web. Their are some programs on the web that use search engines to pay you. For each word you search, these sites pay you a certain amount of money to visit websites associated with those websites. Here's a look at some of these search sites ...

AdPerks - Earn points by viewing ads and visiting websites plus referral program.
AllPaidFor - Earn credit per search to purchase merchandise and win prizes plus referral program.
CashMap - Earn Map Dollars by visiting sites plus 2 level referral program.
ColorStamps - Pays $0.01-0.10 per site you visit plus referral program.
Cybergold - Earn cash by searching sites and signing up for various promotions.
Epilot - Pays $0.01-0.50 per site you visit plus 4 level referral program.
GoThruUs - Pays $0.01 per ad plus 5 level referral program.
Ignifuge - Use for startup page that pays $0.50 per 10 visits to Ignifuge's site plus 4 level referral program.
PaidZone - Pays $0.02 per site visit plus a great referral program. New
PointClick - Pays $0.01 per click in the sites you visit plus referral program.
SurfBuzz - Earn buzzpoints to win prizes plus a great referral program.
TitanSearch - Pays $0.03 per search plus 2 level referral program.
WhyLook - Pays 50% of advertising revenues as you search their site plus 5 level referral program.