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GoThruUs will pay you for being online to view their ads. You can be surfing, sending email, shopping, or even chatting; it doesn't matter what you are doing as long as you are online. Their is no software to download. You will be paid $0.01 per ad that you view. You will have a limit of 1,000 ads per month to view. You will be paid when you make $100 or more. GoThruUs has a great referral program that goes 5 levels deep! Here's the breakdown of the program ...

Pay Rate
Minimum Pay
Maximum Searches
$0.01 per ad $100 or more per month 1,000 ads per month

Referral Program
Referral 1
Referral 2
Referral 3
Referral 4
Referral 5
$0.01 per ad viewed $0.01 per ad viewed $0.01 per ad viewed $0.01 per ad viewed $0.01 per ad viewed

Join Today!
To sign up, go to GoThruUs. My referral ID is 100320.