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What's New
Each day, it's seems like more and more new money making sites pop up on the web. Getting paid to be online has become one of the hottest business on the internet and everyone wants to get involved. We'll keep you informed as to what is hot and new in the world of getting paid to be online.

Newest programs

CashFiesta is the newest moneymaker on the net. The most exciting about CashFiesta is that you get unlimited hours and referrals. You get paid $0.60 per hour.

RadioFreeCash pays you to listen to music. For each hour you listen to music on RadioFreeCash, you will get paid $0.20. RadioFreeCash has a referral program that goes 4 levels deep!

Surfing Prizes has just arrived and is ready to make you some money. SurfingPrizes has unlimited hours plus a 5 level referral program! You get paid $0.20 per hour.

Recent Additions
-Click Dough - Pays 50% of all revenue plus 8 level referral program!!
-Crew Design - Pays $1.25 per hour plus 7 level referral program!!
-Giant Rewards - Earn points to win great prizes!!
-Paid For Surf - Pays $0.40 per hour plus 5 level referral program!!
-Paid Zone - Pays $0.02 per site you visit plus a great referral program!!
-YoYo Mail - Pays $0.05 per each email you receive and read!!

Newest Downloads
BePaid - Advision Control is now available for download on the BePaid site.
Crew Design - MP Bar is now available for download on the Crew Design site.
ItAdsUp - The beta version of the PC Bar is now available for download on the ItAdsUp site.
Coming Soon
Bluetree - BlueBar is available for download in May 22, 2000.
ViewDot - DotBar is available for download in June 2000.
*Remember, these dates are tentative and subject to change.

These are all great programs to use along with the many others we have here on MoneyShot. We'll keep you informed of any money sites that come up and have them posted on here. If you find any new sites that I don't have, send an email out to me.