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Here are a few tips that will make your money making experience much better ...

  1. Referrals, Referrals, Referrals

  2. The key to making money with these programs is to get as many referrals as possible. The more referrals you get, the more you money make! Tell your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, or anyone else you know. Just remember.. no spamming!!
  3. Online Time

  4. Make the most of your time online by running these program's ad viewers. Time is money and you are making it with the ad viewers you are running while you're online.
  5. Run more than one program

  6. All these programs work well together and can be running at the same time. You can get 2 or 3 going (one on top of your browser and another on the bottom) and get your limited hours done immediately.
  7. Make a website

  8. You can have your own website made with a list of the programs you have signed up and whatever else you want on it. This is one of the best ways to get referrals. Just make sure you have links to with your referral id in them so that you will get paid when your referral clicks on it to go to a particular money site.
Here are a couple of programs that will make it easier to make money online...

Fakesurf is a "cheater" program that keeps your ad viewer running online while you are not at the computer. This is a great program to use when you at work, school, on vacation, running errands, or just anything else that is keeping you away from the computer. Fakesurf while automatically move your mouse cursor around to make the ad viewer think that it's active. Also, you can creat a list of websites on Fakesurf and it will randomly go to each site without you being there.
To download Fakesurf, click here.

Money Idler
Money Idler is another "cheater" program that automatically moves your mouse around to make your money programs think that you are online.
To download Money Idler, click here.

There are several more "cheater" programs on the web but these 2 are by far the ones. If I come across any more, I'll post them on here. If you know of any besides these two, let me know.