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Ignifuge pays you to use it's site as a startup page!! It has a tracker at the bottom of it's site that keeps track of each visit you make to Ignifuge. Ignifuge also has a variety of categories and sites you can look at as well. You will get paid $0.50 per 10 visits. You must allow 10 minutes between each visit in order to get paid. You have a limit of 300 visits per month. Ignifuge has a referral program that is 4 levels deep! You will get paid when you make $20 or more each month. Here's the breakdown of the program ...

Pay Rate
Minimum Pay
Maximum Searches
$0.50 per 10 visits $20 or more per month 300 visits per month

Referral Program
Referral 1
Referral 2
Referral 3
Referral 4
$0.20 per 10 visits $0.10 per 10 visits $0.10 per 10 visits $0.10 per 10 visits

Join Today!
To sign up, go to Ignifuge. My referral ID is aof751.