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ColorStamps provides a search engine that you can use to search for different sites under a variety of categories. You will get paid a certain amount for each site you visit through ColorStamps. You must spend at least 20 seconds at the site you are going to in order to get paid. The pay does vary in that the sites can vary anywhere from $0.01-$0.10 per site. Color Stamps has a referral program that pays 10% of whatever your referral makes using their search engine. You will get paid when you make $25 or more each month. Here's the breakdown of the program ...

Pay Rate
Minimum Pay
Maximum Searches
$0.01-0.10 per site $25 or more per month Unlimited

Referral Program
Referral 1

Join Today!
To sign up, go to ColorStamps. My referral ID is dukebdben.