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All Advantage is the most popular money making program on the web. It has been on the web for over a year and has more than 3,000,000 members since it began. It uses the "viewbar" which display ads from it's advertisers on your desktop and keeps track of your time online. For each hour you surf, you will get paid $0.60. You will have a limit of 25 hours per month. All Advantage does have a great referral program that gives you a chance to make even more money. For example, for every hour your referral surfs the net, that person will make the $0.60 an hour but you will get an extra $0.10 an hour also for that hour used. Their referral program goes 2 levels deep with varying amounts. You will get paid when you make $20 or more each month. Here's the breakdown of the program ...

Ad Viewer
Pay Rate
Minimum Pay
Maximum Hours
ViewBar $0.50 per hour $20 or more per month 25 hours per month

Referral Program
Referral 1
Referral 2
$0.10 per hour $0.05 per hour

Join Today!
To sign up, go to All Advantage. My referral ID is CXR-587. The "viewbar" is currently available for download so that you and your friends can start making money on the web.
