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Dot Ad uses "Harry" to display ads from it's advertisers on your desktop and keeps track of your time online. It pays you by using CPM. CPM stands for Cost Per Mille (Impressions or hits). This is used by a lot of companys that calculate that amount of money paid to advertisers depending on how many impressions they get. You will get paid 75% of CPM for all ads that you view. It has a referral program that goes 6 levels deep! You will get paid when you make $50 or more each month. Here's the breakdown of the program ...

Ad Viewer
Pay Rate
Minimum Pay
Maximum Hours
Harry 75% of CPM $50 or more per month ??

Referral Program
Referral 1
Referral 2
Referral 3
Referral 4
Referral 5
Referral 6
5% of CPM 4% of CPM 2% of CPM 2% of CPM 1% of CPM 1% of CPM

Join Today!
To sign up, go to Dot Ad. My referral ID is 390783. "Harry" is currently not available but you will be notified when it is available. In the meantime, you can start telling your friends about it so you will be ready to make money when the "Harry" is made available.