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Surfing Prizes
Surfing Prizes has come in to the "get paid" world.  It works like all the rest of the other programs.  Surfing Prizes has unlimited hours and a referral program that is 5 levels deep.  It will pay $0.20 hour.  You will get paid when your account reaches $25 or more. Here's the breakdown of the program ...

Ad Viewer
Pay Rate
Minimum Pay
Maximum Hours
PrizeBox $0.20 per hour $25 or more per month Unlimited 

Referral Program
Referral 1
Referral 2
Referral 3
Referral 4
Referral 5
$0.04 per hour $0.02 per hour $0.02 per hour $0.02 per hour $0.02 per hour

Join Today!
To sign up, go to Surfing Prizes. My referral ID is 128461. The "PrizeBox" is currently available for download on the Surfing Prizes site.